Updated: January 31, 2022

The Cascade Mountain Architectural Committee serves the best interests of Cascade property owners –working to protect everyone’s investment by maintaining our community’s standards and protecting the physical environment.  To that end, several Board-approved permits exist in addition to published covenants and restrictions that were disclosed at the time of sale. As of March 12, 2016 the board is now requiring written verification of plat lines as originally established from a registered surveyor and that corners be staked on the property by a registered surveyor before clearing or building can begin. The Clearing/Septic permit is required before clearing any lot begins.  This permit requires a $600 road impact fee, $300 of which is refundable once it has been determined that no undue road damage occurred as a result of the clearing.

The Building/Addition Permit is required for construction of a house, addition, or storage building.  Compliance deposits are also charged according to the type and square footage of the construction ( please see page 2 of the building permit) and are refundable after successful completion per approved plans.

It is required that property owners meet with the architectural committee prior to making any changes or beginning any new construction on their property.  In addition, the Security chair needs to be informed of all contractors and sub-contractors working on the project.  Please be mindful of the mountain speed limits of 25 mph unless otherwise posted. The PDF Architectural Forms are provided for your information and convenience.  Please be advised that the committee will help the property owner refine plans and complete permits so that submittal to the Board and subsequent Board approval results in a successful and timely completion of their project within CMPOA guidelines and restrictions. The Architectural Committee may be contacted at: